Johnstone Supply Partner Program
Lets face it, you have a lot on your plate. How long does it take to hit break-even? How can I navigate the industry changes that seems to occur every year? These are valid and we believe Johnstone Supply can help you prepare for it through our partner program! Focusing on the growth strategy while allowing us to support that growth is a plan we can get behind. Lets create a lasting partnership together!
The Bronze Program
Partner Pricing
Access to any scheduled offsite TSA Trainings @ $25 per attendee.
1% rebate back to dollar one once 20% sales growth over 2024 is achieved
Receive a 1% discount on all eCommerce orders at checkout.
Receive a 1% discount on monthly statement by paying through BillTrust when account is paid to terms and has zero balance.
The Silver Program
Partner Pricing
TSA Access + Free Training attendance to any scheduled offsite TSA Trainings.
2 Seats to Coalition with Hotel
1.5% rebate back to dollar one once 20% sales growth over 2024 is achieved
Receive a 1.5% discount on all eCommerce orders at checkout.
Receive a 1% discount on monthly statement by paying through BillTrust when account is paid to terms and has zero balance.
The Gold Program
Partner Pricing
TSA Access + Free Training attendance to any scheduled offsite TSA Trainings +1 Day Ride-Along + 1 Training at your location no matter what equipment spend.
2 Seats to Coalition with Hotel and attendance to Overcome and Grow follow-up Coalition sessions.
Weekend Getaway for Two
2% rebate back to dollar one once 20% sales growth over 2024 is achieved
Receive a 2% discount on all eCommerce orders at checkout.
Receive a 1% discount on monthly statement by paying through BillTrust when account is paid to terms and has zero balance.
5% Rebate on JB Warranty Sales
The Coalition: West Coast's Premiere HVAC Contractor Event
The Coalition meeting is not just an event; it's a valuable opportunity to invest in the health and future success of your business. So, mark your calendars for Fall 2025, and get ready to join us in a location that will foster collaboration, learning and growth. Don't let the whirlwind of daily tasks keep you from working "on" your business; the Coalition meeting will help you do just that.
It will be a 48-hour event spread out over 3 days. Silver and Gold level partners will receive 2 seats and 1 room to all events and hotel.
*Gold members will be enrolled into our Overcome and Grow program and will receive exclusive invitations to participate in a one-day follow-up session held in the months following the Coalition. These sessions will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the programs outlined within the Coalition.