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social media management

Media Management

social media admin access

Gain access to your accounts

First thing is first, in order to manage your social media accounts, we need access to them.  This is a simple yet important task to find opportunities and activate a strategy.  We can walk your through providing admin access to further look into past post results and content.

Complete Your Profile

The most common detail that companies miss in completing their social profiles is their website.  This is important in the way of utilizing your social media accounts as a marketing funnel.  Another way to generate more users to your website is adding your URL in each of your posts.  Give them an easy way to reach you as much as possible!

Social media profile
social media schedule

Create a Monthly Schedule

Creating a schedule for your posts help capitalize on opportunities to communicate to your customers.  It also provides time to focus on the content.  If it's not engaging, its not going to produce an action.  When you plan it out, put it in motion, and watch the results, we can accomplish more engagement, reach, and ultimately leads.

Johnstone Supply office

Add Your Missing Link Today!

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