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Reputation Management

Business listings

Add Your listings

Do you know how many listings your business profile is in?  We have an easy way to get you seen in over 60 different listing and manage those listing from one location.  Yes, a few platforms cover the overwhelming majority of search queries, but why not increase your visibility if you can?  Meet your customers where they are and attain customers who you might not have had that chance to before.

Increase Reviews

Reviews are a major consideration when it comes to search engine result pages.  The more and the higher ratings your business have, the more authority your profile will get.  It is absolutely crucial to collect praise if you earned it and it is as important to market that praise to your potential customers.  Plus, it makes you feel good during the process or it can give you critical feedback on how you can improve.  Nevertheless, you need to ask for reviews and we can accomplish this easily by producing QR codes at the time of visit.  Oh yeah, we can track how many scans you achieve too!

Collect Google reviews
respond to reviews

Respond to your Customers

Actively managing and responding to reviews can help you maintain a positive online image. It demonstrates that your business is responsive and attentive, which can lead to better overall ratings.  Even if you set up AI generated responses, which is becoming more common practice, can help you in this realm.  Bottom line, responding to reviews is a key part of reputation management that can positively impact your business's success.

Johnstone Supply office

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